Do you have issues promoting your sports articles on social media? Do you have writing questions? I bet you do, I know I do. I believe young writers need help promoting their content to help get their foot in the door of the sports journalism world. Well, you should check out the Sports Writers Pact? What is the goal of the Sports Writers Pact? Beginning in 2019, Andersen Pickard started up the account. When he began the account, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do with it. That changed in the early part of 2020, March to be exact. During the month of March, he created the logo for the account. How does the account promote your writing? Don’t worry, it’s easy to do. Before you post your article on Twitter, you must tag the account in the tweet. You have two ways you can do that. The first way is you can tag the account in the same tweet with your article, or the second way is you can attach a second tweet to your previous tweet. Once you do that, they will retweet shortly after. Sports Writers Pact also helps with many other things like promoting sports podcasters and connecting writers to websites that are looking for writers or podcasters. Sports Writers Pact’s direct messages are always ready to help by answering any sports writing questions you may have. All you have to do is ask. Sports Writers Pact helps any type of sports writers whether you write about baseball, football, basketball, hockey, and more. I believe this account has a bunch of potential. Don’t worry if you aren’t a sports writer, you can still help their cause by giving them a follow on Twitter: @swpact. They might even follow you back on Twitter if you ask them.